Online Certificate
Sterile Processing Technician
The SP‐3000 Sterile Processing Technician program prepares students to gain industry certification and ultimately to work in hospitals, surgery centers, clinics, and other healthcare facilities.
The SP‐3000 Sterile Processing Technician program prepares students to gain industry certification and ultimately to work in hospitals, surgery centers, clinics, and other healthcare facilities.
Course length
14 weeks
Weekly time commitment
16 hours
*You can pay as little as $267 per month. For full payment options and different financing plans, including interest rates from external lenders, please talk to our enrollment team.
A typical hospital uses (and reuses) tens of thousands of medical instruments every month. Although some supplies are disposable, many are not. The reusable supplies come with their own special instructions for proper cleaning and maintenance.
Sterile processing technicians in the 90th percentile of earners in their field make more than $30 per hour.
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Sterile Processing Technician
Central Service Technician
Medical Equipment Preparer